⚠️ Oh no! It looks like you have a plan that doesn’t include some really cool features that we offer.

Smart Planner

Functionality included in the Time Management Plan. Easily plan the shifts for your entire workforce with just a few clicks, thanks to artificial intelligence.

What is included in the Time Management Plan:

All the functionalities of your TramitApp HRIS Plan
Intelligent quadrant
Smart Planner Assistant
Magic button for automatic scheduling
Staffing calculation
Shift management for employees
Communications and notifications

This is how Smart Planner works with TramitApp:


With a magic button that configures the shifts for the entire year in seconds
Meets your company’s needs by suggesting the right people for each shift
No errors or overlaps


Employees can manage their own shifts
Streamlines interactions among colleagues
Shift exchange requests always supervised by a supervisor


Workers receive shift information via mobile or email
Manage unexpected events, shift changes, and open shifts from anywhere
Access the roster from any location

Request shift planning and get all these functionalities 😉

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